Smart Lipo
Welcome the most modern and pioneering treatment for the permanent discharge of excess fat & cellulite, with minimal invasive surgery! Smart Lipo therapy is a new safe, revolutionary, minimally invasive method of treating local fat, which resists exercise and diet and has a lasting aesthetic effect. Particularly spectacular are the results in the treatment of cellulite, one of the most important aesthetic problems of modern woman.
What is Smart Lipo?
Smartlipo is the first LASER lipolysis system approved by the FDA of America (2006) after five years of testing applications for its safety and effectiveness and is the sure solution for those who wish to be permanently relieved of their unnecessary local thickness, while tightening the skin, without undergoing surgery.
It is the latest technology and has almost replaced the traditional method of liposuction in America and the UK, as it is safer, is done in a short time and has very rapid recovery, without requiring hospitalization.
Lately, machines that copy Smartlipo's technology and innovation have been marketed with a Smartlipo-like name (e.g. Cool lipo, Slim lipo) without yet knowing about their safety and effectiveness.
Where can the treatment be applied?
Usually Smart Lipo is applied to small areas of the face, neck, hands, knees and chest for men (gynecomastia).
Am I a suitable candidate for Smart Lipo?
Good candidates for this technique are all those who are in good health, exercise physically, their excess weight does not exceed 20-30 kg and face a problem of local fat that cannot be removed by exercise or proper nutrition. It is advisable to discuss thoroughly with your doctor whether SMART LIPO is indicated for you before you decide to proceed.
Smart Lipo therapy is especially indicated for those who do not have much time to recover at home and want to spend less money than traditional liposuction.
How long does the session last?
Each session lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour and usually requires just one session per incident.
Will I feel pain?
During the session there is no pain since local anesthesia is done. Then the patient feels a small "burning" in the area and grip as one feels after intense physical exercise.
Is Smart Lipo treatment safe?
Smartlipo therapy (smart fat) is a new safe revolutionary minimally invasive method of treating local thickness that resists exercise and diet and has a lasting aesthetic effect.
This method, which we have been successfully applying in the UK since the end of 2006, is based on the direct application of the laser (Laser Nd:Yag 1064nm) through a optical fiber placed in the subcutaneous fat of areas with local thickness after local anesthesia has been achieved in these areas.
The specific wavelength (1064nm) of the laser beam has been shown after a 5-year clinical study to be the one that achieves the most effective lipolysis by selectively absorbing fat at a higher rate than other wavelengths (e.g. 920nm) using other lipolysis laser systems, while at the same time as the heat it develops in the hypodermic stimulates the creation of new collagen thus causing tightening of the skin in the areas where it has been applied.
At the same time as its absorption by hemoglobin, at a lower rate than that of fat, it achieves satisfactory hemostasis during treatment, which translates into fewer bruises after the end of treatment.
Smartlipo or liposuction ?
Many patients wonder why they would prefer smart lipo to liposuction. Treatment with smart lipo outweighs for many reasons against classical liposuction as well as:
It's faster, as it's completed within an hour or two.
It is done under local anesthesia and does not require total anesthesia and therefore the patient is not hospitalized in a clinic.
It causes firming of the skin at the same time as reducing points from fat discharge rather than relaxation.
It does not require hospitalization in a clinic, as after treatment you can go out or return to work.
It is much less likely to cause bruises or extensive blood as opposed to liposuction and is safer in terms of possible side effects, since it is a minimally invasive method.
Recovery is a few days and not a month, no stitches to be removed are needed, does not leave a scar and has a uniform effect in the areas where it is applied.
Find out more about Smart Lipo Liposuction by Plastic Surgeon Dr. Manos Pantelidis.