Smart Lipo Laser Liposuction
More and more men and women want to look and feel better about themselves. Although people work out to lose weight, some "fat pockets" are simply impossible to reduce or shift. The SmartLipo Laser Lipolysis a remarkable new treatment, using lasers, now offers a proven safe and simple method to remove persistent fat reserves. This is called Laser Lipolysis.
The laser
Smart Lipo is a minimally invasive procedure using a specially designed powerful laser to sculpt the contours of the body and permanently delete fat cells. Best of all the energy of the laser also interacts with the skin which leads to proper shrinkage of the skin and tightening, thus significantly reducing cellulite from the skin. The Smart Lipo technique has been extensively used in Europe and has recently been approved by the FDA in the US. The acceptance by European and North American patients was huge and the results of the treatment are simply amazing.
Burn fat smartly with Smart Lipo
With our new machine, the well-known company DEKA, we are able to achieve better results for Smart Lipo patients. The machine is more comfortable for patients and results faster and more excellently.
With smaller incisions and only with the use of a local anesthetic, without bruises and a short recovery period we aim to the maximum with this new technology.
Is this the cure for me?
Liposuction with Smart Lipo is best for healthy people, who are not overly overweight or who are reasonably of average weight, but have specific local areas of thickness (e.g. double chin, ''love handles'', thighs externally, inside the thighs, hips, bottoms, arms, back, inner knees and of course the abdomen... almost all over the body) and who want to do liposuction. Please note that people with health problems do not need to be excluded, but special precautions may be required. All aspects of the procedure and your health history should be discussed during your initial advisory visit.
How is liposuction done with Smart Lipo Laser?
The procedure is performed under unsyped conditions in the infirmary or in a surgical room.
The area of fat to be removed is infused with a local anaesthetic solution. A very thin (1 mm diameter) optical fiber containing the Smart Lipo laser detector is inserted under the skin through a tiny incision and directly into the fat.
The laser beam is then slowly and methodically guided through the area and directed onto the fat cells, which are immediately destroyed and converted into liquefied gases. Your body will absorb this liquefied fat and eventually - quite naturally - it will be discharged from your liver and kidneys.
The process usually takes about an hour.
Usually there are very small ectyms or swelling and minimal bleeding.
What happens after the procedure?
After liposuction with SmartLipo you should remain in the infirmary for an hour before being discharged for home.
You will be given oral and written instructions immediately after the procedure
You are usually required to wear a compression garment for a day or two up to a week (occasionally longer), depending on the area we are facing.
There is almost no side effect or pain and very few patients need a short mild analgesic treatment.
Most patients can return to work and their usual activities the next day. Recovery is usually remarkably quick.
How effective is Liposuction with SmartLipo?
Treatment is very safe and effective.
Patients begin to see the results within a few weeks the full benefit of the procedure is usually achieved in 2 months, with some patients noticing improvements after that. This is because liquefied fat is drained over time from the body.
The results are permanent because the body does not create new fat cells. If you were to gain weight in the future you would go to other areas.
How many therapy sessions do they need?
Most patients get the result they seek with a single treatment, but for some patients with larger areas it may be necessary to have more than one treatment session. This aspect of care will be discussed at the initial appointment.
Advantages over traditional Lipo - suction
Liposuction with Smart Lipo:
It only requires local anesthesia/ does not require complete general anesthesia.
It hardly bothers him compared to traditional liposuction.
It requires minimal recovery time. You can return to your habits the next day.
It's minimally invasive and more targeted.
He has a significantly lower risk of bleeding and minimal bruising.
It significantly tightens the loose skin.
Liposuction - What is the cost
The cost of smart Lipo treatments will depend on the number of sessions required.
Your surgeon will advise you, depending on the dimension of the problem, based on your own interest and achieving the best possible result.